Tuesday 1 January 2013

Let There Be Light

“Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night…. Let their light shine upon the earth.” 
-Gen. 1:14-15

Let There Be Light

Today marks the beginning of the New Year- New Hopes, New Beginnings, New Aspirations. I am quite sure many of you have prayed for and awaited the coming of this day. Here it is at last- HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Many people often use this day to make resolutions (which they never keep in most cases) and set targets for themselves. As you go about making plans for the year as a Christian, do you have God in your plan?

Just as God took time to hover over his creation before he uttered the first words- “Let there be Light”, so should you hover carefully over your plans for this year.

A chief ingredient of your plan should be to be a light to the world. Let your light shine down upon the darkness of the earth, for no one lights a candle and hides it under a bushel (Matthew 5:15). “The light shines through the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it” (John 1:5).

There are souls hungry for your love, your assistance- financially, morally, emotionally and otherwise. This year, help create a new man out of somebody. Let your light so shine among men. Brighten that corner where you are!

Quick Read: Genesis 1-2; Memory Verse: Genesis 1: 14-15; Further Study: John 1: 1-18; Through the Bible in 1 year: Genesis 1-3; 
Prayer: LORD, help me this year to be a light to everyone who crosses my path.

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