Wednesday 2 January 2013

Where Are You?

“Who told you you were naked?... Have you eaten of the fruit I commanded you not to eat?” 
-Gen. 3:11

Where Are You?

Have you had a strained relationship in the past year? Strained relationship with your family? Strained relationship with your business partner? Strained relationship with your Christian brethren? And more importantly, a strained relationship with God?
This morning, God calls out to you: “Where are you?” Will you answer the call or will you hide yourself like Adam and Eve did? God seeks your hand back in marriage. He wants to use you for a great task this year. When Jesus chose his disciples, he called and the twelve left whatever they were doing at once and followed him.
This is a time to mend broken relationships- between you and your wife, between you and your friends, between you and your neighbours. You need to act quickly. Seize the opportunity now. You can never tell what difference you may make in somebody’s life.
God shall be glad when you shall answer him- not like Adam “I heard thy voice in the garden and so I hid myself”, but like Isaiah “Lord here am I. Send me”.

Quick Read: Genesis 3; Memory Verse: Genesis 3: 11;

Further Study: Isaiah 6; John 1: 19-51;  Through the Bible in 1 year: Genesis 3-5;
Prayer: I am an empty vessel. LORD use me for a fitful purpose

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