Thursday 3 January 2013

When the Tsunami Struck!

“...Come thou and all thy household into the ark; for thee have I seen righteousness before me in this generation.” 
-Gen. 7:1 KJV

When the Tsunami Struck!

On December 26, 2004, a terrible news hit the airwaves- there had been a magnanimous earthquake measuring 9.3 on the Richter scale at the bottom of the Indian Ocean (off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra), between the Australian/Eurasian tectonic plates. A quake at sea? One wouldn't have thought this was of any immediate danger but within seconds, the oceans rumbled and erupted. Mighty waves as high as 25 metres surged towards the land and in a twinkling of an eye 6 major countries around the the disaster area were overridden- India, Sri-Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia- all overtaken in one great flood! Even African countries like Somalia and the Seychelles were not left out.

By the time the disaster was over, nearly 300,000 people were dead and millions more rendered homeless. Many of those who lost their lives that day were still basking in the euphoria of the Christmas celebrations the day before. Actually, seismologists had predicted there was going to be an earthquake, but no one had imagined the extent of the resulting damage.

This quickly reminds me of our scripture for this morning. Just as it was in the days of Noah, many of the 300,000 dead must have been eating and drinking and giving away their daughters in marriage, each least expecting that disaster would strike soon.

If a tsunami were to strike your life soon, will you be prepared or will you be caught unawares? “Except a man be born of the water and Spirit, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Let Jesus come into your life today.

Quick Read: Genesis 6-8; Memory Verse: Genesis 7: 1;
Further Study: John 3-4:1-42;  Through the Bible in 1 year: Genesis 6-8;

Prayer: LORD protect me from the storms of life and help me to be prepared always.

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